1st Luxembourg Course on Rehabilitation after Total Laryngectomy
Welcome address
Dear Colleagues, Dear Friends
Forty years later, voice rehabilitation after total laryngectomy remains a hot topic in Scientific meetings and in daily practice. A lot of improvements have been proposed all over the years : duck-bill, classic prostheses, indwelling protheses, large esophageal flange, HME of different models, puncture sets, setting devices …
In the same time, transoral extended partial laryngectomies and organ-preservation protocols for advanced laryngeal cancers have restricted the indications for total laryngectomy to salvage surgery and T4 larynx cancers with infiltration of cartilages what makes the timing for placement of the prosthesis and the handling more challenging, more prone to complications.
I had the chance to follow the development of the tracheoesopheal voice since the early 80’s , being a senior resident when my mentor Prof Van De Eeckhaut introduced us to the “Pange button” and the “Blom-Singer duck-bill” . I went to Indianapolis , the Mecca of the voice prosthesis in 1986 for a short-term fellowship sponsored by Eric Blom , together with Myriam Rijckaert , my speech therapist at that time. Since then, the progress has been constant, leading to the present situation.
I am thus very pleased to invite you for this course: presentations by experts in this field and friendly discussions will allow us to review the present situation and see what the future could be.
Hoping to welcome you in Luxembourg,
Prof Marc Remacle
1st Luxembourg Course in Voice and Pulmonary Rehabilitation after Total Laryngectomy emphasizing the use of the Blom-Singer system
Friday, April 26
- 11.30: Registration and lunch
- 13.00 : Welcome – Marc Remacle , CHL Luxembourg
- 13.10. Tracheoesophageal Voice rehabilitation: The pioneering Contributions of Eric D. Blom and Mark I. Singer. Eric Blom, Indianapolis , USA
- 14.00
- Pharynx Closure / Reconstruction / neo anterior pharynx diverticulum...
- Primary / Secondary placement
- Myotomies
- Neurectomy
- Tracheostoma surgery
Peter Kress, Trier, Germany
- 15.00 : Coffee-break
- 15.30 : Voice prosthesis Aniel Sewnaik, Rianne Vermeij, EMC Rotterdam
- What are the contra-indications ?
- 16.00 : What prosthesis to chose ? Aniel Sewnaik , Nurse Rianne EMC Rotterdam
- 16.30 : Setting the HME. Myriam Rijckaert UCL-CHU Namur
- 17.00 : Adjourn – Welcome drink.
- 19.00 : Dinner
Saturday, April 27
- 07.30 : Registration and breakfast
- 08.00 : Dealing with problems and complications- From the minor to the major. Georges Lawson, UCL – CHU Namur
- Leakage
- The tractus
- Superinfection
- Too much of reflux
- Hypertonicity…
- The failures of voice prosthesis rehabilitation
- 09.00 : Pulmonary function after Total Laryngectomy - Pauline Janssen EMC Rotterdam
- How to protect it
- How to improve
- 10.00 : Coffee –break
- 10.30 : Prosthesis on order – The special ones. Sebastien Vandervorst UCL-CHU Namur
- 11.30 : Enjoying life Pauline Janssen EMC Rotterdam
- How to take a shower
- How to swim
- How to sing
- What about my partner
- 12.00 : Lunch
- 13.00 : Workshops
The Doctors’ corner Open discussion with short presentations
Peter Kress, Trier, Germany
Georges Lawson and Sebastien Vandervorst, UCL-CHU Namur
Marc Samaha, CHL, Luxembourg
Aniel Sewnaik, Rianne Vermeij, EMC Rotterdam,
Marc Remacle CHL, Luxembourg
• Leakage (trough the prosthesis)
• Valve opening pressure, valve failure, underpressure during inspiration...
• Pharynx spasm, Botox...
• Periprosthetic leakage, dilated shunt, infected/necrotic shunt....
• Large flanges, fistula prosthesis, salivary bypass tube
• Small leakages around the prosthesis : fat? Renu? Hyaluronic acid
• Is the voice quality of voice different after treatment of T3 or T4 larynx cancer
• Is transoral robotic total laryngectomy influencing the setting of the voice prosthesis
• Has the closing ( stapler- stitches) any influence to avoid a fistula
• Larytube : multiple fenestrations or one window
• Sternohyoid muscles: when to cut them and how
• Reshaping the stoma
• Closing a fistula – How difficult it is
• What I would like to have
The Speech therapist’ corner Pauline Janssen EMC Rotterdam, Myriam Rijckaert, UCLCHU -Namur, Laetitia Welsch CHL, Luxembourg
- How to inform the patient
- Men and women : a different approach?
- How to proceed during the healing time
- How to train the patient
- Fitting of adhesive baseplates and HME
Trying on models
- 15.00 : Conclusions and closing
Local faculty, CHL Luxembourg
- Marc Remacle
- Eugène Panosetti
- Marc Samaha
- Laetitia Welsch
Prospective International Faculty
- Guest speaker : Eric Blom , Indianapolis , USA
- Pauline Janssen, Rotterdam, the Netherlands
- Peter Kress, Trier , Germany
- Georges Lawson, Mont-Godinne, Belgium
- Myriam Rijckaert, Mont-Godinne, Belgium
- Aniel Sewnaik, Rotterdam , The Netherlands
- Sebastien Vandervorst, Mont-Godinne , Belgium
- Rianne Vermeij, Rotterdam , the Netherlands
Congress place:
Auditorium / CHL Centre
4, Rue Nicolas Ernest Barblé, L-1210 Luxembourg
- Medical doctors, company staff : 150 €
- Speech therapists, Nurses 80€
- Residents , students : 60 €
The fees include the registration, lunches and coffee-breaks
Payment on the account of the Centre Hospitalier de Luxembourg:
IBAN: LU67 1111 0000 5252 0000 / BIC: CCPLLULL / Communication: STAT-0000051 + Your name
Registration process
Registration on our form available here.
1. Alvisse Parc Hotel
Reservations before the 15th of April by phone on: (+352) 43 56 43 - Reference (CHL - Course on voice prosthesis)
Special room rate guaranteed until the 15th of April - Single Room: 93€ (breakfast included)
Offer limited to 20 rooms
2. Hotel Parc Belle-Vue
Goeres Hotels Luxembourg
Room rates and reservations via the following form
Bus transportation
A bus transportation will be provided from the Hotels Alvisse Parc Hotel and Parc Belle-Vue to the CHL-Centre auditorium and return