A Movement for Movement: exercise as everybody's business (E)

A Movement for Movement: exercise as everybody's business (E)

Sports medical conference organised by the "Luxembourg Academy for sports medicine, sports physiotherapy and sports sciences" & sport-santé.lu 

Presentation by Ann Gates from the United Kingdom. She is CEO of "Exercise works" (www.exercise-works.org) which promotes physical activity as medicine as a preventive measurement as well as in the management of chronic diseases. 


Free admission 




CHL Centre 

4, Rue Nicolas Ernest Barblé

1210 Luxembourg



Title: "A Movement for Movement in the prevention and treatment of disease: making every contact count for patients."

Synopsis: How by building workforce capacity and skills, together with knowledge of societal interventions and by building a movement as a community of practice we will deliver on the physical activity agenda.

Bio: Ann Gates is a health care leader, clinical pharmacist, and exercise educationalist. She started her career as a clinical pharmacist in the NHS but quickly became interested in leadership and service planning. Ann is CEO and founder of Exercise Works but has also worked as NHS Director of Strategic Planning and as Head of Health Strategy, for Trent Strategic Health Authority, UK. She is passionate about global health, action on inequalities, and exercise medicine!


Infos: med.sport@chl.lu